


UFO Crashes in Russia’s Siberia

An unidentified flying object has crashed in Krasnoyarsk Region, Siberia, causing a forest fire, the RIA-Novosti news agency reported on Friday.

The crash took place in the taiga between the towns of Yeniseisk and Lesosibirsk, the agency said quoting the local Interior Ministry directorate. The crash was reported by local villagers and traces of forest fire can be seen on the site. Air traffic officials said that no aircraft were scheduled to fly in the region at the time of the crash and no air vessels were missing.

A group formed of police investigators, representatives of the Transport Prosecutors Service and representatives of the aircraft safety watchdog Rosavianadzor has started to the site of the crash from Krasnoyarsk.

Local Emergencies Directorate has sent a helicopter to the site.
La noticia la enlaza nuestro amigo Rancio en la lista Brutta y yo, en plena resaca Noticias del Mundo, no puedo más que hacerla pública por el bien de mis lectores. El periódico electrónico ruso Mosnews es de contrastada solvencia, como bien pueden ustedes suponer.

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